Offers of help from the Catholic and
Protestant churches
Pastoral care in the Catholic Church
The Diocese of Aachen offers a wide range of grief counseling in the form of personal conversations, discussion groups and cafés.
In Eschweiler, Sr. Martina Kohler SSpS is the pastoral advisor and the first point of contact for the wide range of services offered by the Diocese of Aachen.
Pastoral care in the Protestant Church
The Protestant Church in Aachen, in cooperation with the Catholic GdG Grenzenlos, offers the grief café "Lichtblick". Every first Saturday of the month there is the opportunity to visit this grief café in the Genezareth Church. On the third Monday of the month there is another café in the St. Sebastian parish hall in Aachen. In addition, the Protestant community in Aachen also offers grief counseling for families.
If you need immediate help, the ecumenical telephone counseling service is available
to you by phone at any time and free of charge.
Tel. 0800 - 111 0 111 or 0800 - 111 0 222